Real time Market Pricing data.
Make informed compensation decisions with real-time market analysis

Real time Market Pricing data.
Make informed compensation decisions with real-time market analysis

To ensure your compensation levels are competitive within your defined labor market(s), it is important to collect recent market data. Market pricing is available from professional associations, industry reports, and internet resources. As an alternative to these options, many organizations hire experienced compensation specialists to conduct real-time, custom salary surveys and market analysis. This assures a professional, current approach to gathering, screening, and analyzing the data.
It is important to collect market data for a representative sample of jobs across all functional areas and job levels within the organization. If a methodology such as the job evaluation and salary administration system (GradeBldr) has been used to establish the relative internal value of jobs, it is not necessary to then market price every single job; however, it is useful to look at two to three titles in each job group to ensure you have sufficient information to determine an appropriate array of market values. We recommend identifying and utilizing at least four sources when gathering market data.
Many companies want to assess the competitiveness of their total compensation package; therefore, they also conduct an analysis of their benefits and perquisites to see how they compare to local market norms. As appropriate, this might also include a review of incentive opportunities. Once the comparative benefits analysis is complete, and any resulting changes to the benefits package implemented, companies often issue an annual total compensation statement to inform staff how much employer-paid and mandated benefits and perquisites add to the value of their compensation package.

Faster Insight
Analyze real-time market surveys & multi-factor variants with user-friendly point & click tools

Easily Manage Data Sets
Skip the time eating spreadsheets. Easily manage large data sets from multiple sources for comparison and benchmarking.

Reliable Market Data
Use the most current market data available to identify the trends that matter.

Side by Side Views
Compare comparable data sets side by side to easily evaluate market variations.

Make the Best Decisions
Put job valuation & market pricing together to build competitive, equitable pay structures.

Experts by Your Side
CompBldr® modules were designed by experts with decades of comp experience. We’re here to help you get pay right.
Improve acquisition & retention with competitive market insights

Custom salary surveys are an excellent tool to help you understand the relationship of one job to another, the competitiveness of your compensation structure, and how to protect your investment in people.
Customizable reports to fit your needs.
- Customize reports based on survey objectives
- Segment results by job role, location, gender and more
- Model pay adjustments to desired market position

Helping you bridge the gap between people, work, and pay.

You can access industry leading experts in:
- Custom Salary Survey Design and Execution
- Compensation Plan Design
- Executive Compensation
- Staff Compensation
- Sales Compensation
- Public Sector Compensation
Working together brings it all together.
Easily collaborate with team members, HR and Comp experts to build & manage a robust Compensation program.
Automated API interface easily transfers job descriptions, position classification, and compensation models into your HRIS/HRIM platforms.
JobBldr technology and standalone modules run on on Amazon’s CDN for speedy delivery and security. Protection includes AWS key management, automated security checks & alerts, security audits and bot control.
An ecosystem of support

Email, phone, chat & FAQ/Knowledgebase boards available.

Specialists in L&D, compensation, performance management, workforce training, content/curriculum, HR, analytics, and data integration.