TraineryContent Library


5,000+ online learning courses that work with any platform

Comprehensive employee training content that works with any learning platform.

Our Content Library is powered by Training Network, which brings 35+ years of content development and management experience to your employee training programs. We work with producers nationwide to develop content across a broad spectrum of safety, HR, management, regulatory, and industry-specific training. Our content is available with Streamery and TraineryLMS® or used with your Learning Management System.

No other company parallels our comprehensive suite of integrated learning and HCM platforms, which include a sophisticated learning management system, comprehensive training management software, software to manage coaching programs, coaches and coachees, and performance management.

Content that delivers, from the company that’s been doing it for 35+ years.

Over 5,000 Courses in our Library

One of the largest online video libraries in the market today.

English & Spanish Options

Hundreds of courses are offered in Spanish, plus CC option is available.

State Specific Courses

Stay compliant with new regulations with state-specific courses.


End of Course quiz options + downloadable quiz options; completion certificates available.

Consistent Delivery of Training

Ensure all employees get the same information delivered in a consistent manner.

Cost Effective

Per course, bundles, platform & digital licensing options to fit your budget.


Support for the latest industry standard.

Optimized for Mobile Devices

Easy-to-use, consistent navigation across all devices.

A network of 20+ training producers.

No waiting on curriculum design, course development or testing—it’s already proven to work.

A learning solution is only as good as the content you put into it. Our Content Library provides thousands of options to help you build a smarter, safer workforce. Tap into our ready-to-load courses to create your training curriculum and make sure your workforce is in compliance with HR policies, safety protocols and regulations. All are available in our search-friendly content marketplace.

Our Content, Your LMS: Digital Licensing

Digital Licensing

With a Digital License you receive the necessary legal permission to use our content in the way that makes the most sense for you, either by receiving a Digital Media or SCORM-compatible format for your specifications.

Your Content, Our LMS

Many companies want to use their own content. We understand, and you are welcome to use your content on our LMS! We can help you upload your content, or you can manage uploading content into TraineryLMS yourself.

5 out of 5 Stars

Add the streaming platform and get user-friendly administration tools

Always know where your training stands. Admin dashboards show User & course status, videos watched, total views, quizzes taken, and more.
Manage Employee Training
Assign Playlists
Create custom Playlists with only the courses you select. Playlists remain accessible for Admin & Users in the Courses menu.
Assign Playlists
Track the status of employee viewership, course completion, quiz results, and more. Employees can view their assignments, track due dates, and activity status.
Track Employee Training

Potential starts here.

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